There are many different breeds of dogs that originated in Britain, each with their own unique characteristics and history. Join us at the festival to help show off our furry wee friends! If you have an informational display about your dog’s breed, like where they originate from, things they were bred to do (hunting rodents, retrieving waterfowl, etc.) temperament, maybe the breed was featured in a book or movie? Please create a nice looking display about your dogs. Festival attendees love learning about the Dogs of the British Isles!
Each dog registered with Colorado Highland Games Dogs of the British Isles AND each tent/ display will be eligible for a variety of Chieftain's awards.
Chieftain's Choice -
Best all-around Dog of the British Isles
This is a dog that participated in each parade, and in the eyes our chieftain, exemplifies a Dog of the British Isles.
Chieftain's Choice -
Friendliest Dog of the British Isles
This is a dog that participated in each parade, and who our chieftain noticed was exceptionally well-tempered and friendly
Chieftain's Choice -
Best display - Dog of the British Isles
Tent includes informational displays about your dog’s or dog group, like breed, where the dogs originate from, things they were bred to do (hunting rodents, retrieving waterfowl, etc.) temperament, maybe the breed was featured in a book or movie? Please create a nice looking display about your dogs. Festival attendees love learning about the Dogs of the British Isles!
Awards ceremony at Sunday Mid-day parade.

Important Notes:
Only registered service dogs and dogs of the British Isles are allowed on Festival Grounds.
This includes dogs of those participating in the Colorado Highland Games (Dogs of the British Isles Area, Athletes, Clans, Dancers, etc.) We ask that participants who will not be part of the Dogs Tents Area register, so we know how many ribbons to order.
There is no shade at the Denver Polo club. You will be responsible for bringing your own tent/ awning / with or without sides to the festival, along with any tables or chairs you might need. Bring supplies to keep your dog cool, happy, and leashed. There will be drinking water for dogs in baby pools with iced water around the grounds, but please plan on bringing water for your dog just in case.
For the safety of our volunteers and attendees, we require that dogs of ill-temper, not socialized, and those that show aggression towards other dogs and/ or humans be left at home. If a dog is aggressive, we reserve the right to ask (tell) you to take the dog home. All dogs must be in good health and current on all vaccinations.

Registration Categories:
FREE - Any DBI dog accompanying a ticketed festival guest or participants like Athletes, Dancers, Clans, etc - Free but must still register.
$50 - 10 x 10 tent space - includes 2 weekend passes to festival
$75 - Larger Groups/ Larger Spaces 10x 20 tent (or two
10’x10’’s) - Includes 3 weekend passes
Not-For Profits / Rescue Groups
Free - 10 x20 space maxim - You must be a registered non-profit rescue group/ 503-c3. Please be specific about which your group falls into when registering.
*Please remember that shade tents, tables, and chairs are not provided to participants - you will need to bring your own. Set up details can be found in on the registration page.
Sign Up!
We would love for you to join us this year and celebrate the Dogs of the British Isles!